This is a near-perfect Luna Mini. Colours, variations and stock are limited for our near-perfect models. If the variation or colour you are looking for appears as 'Out Of Stock' on this page then we don't have a near-perfect model in your selection at this time.
Near-perfect prams are brand new, never used prams with a small defect so they cannot be sold at full price. Similar to what you could expect from a floor stock or display product. Their defects are superficial only and may consist of a scratch on the frame or a pull in the fabric. We do not list the defects of each individual near-perfect pram but have indicated on this page here images of the types of defects that you can expect on these near-perfect models.
There are no structural nor functionality issues with our near-perfect prams.Our standard two yearwarranty is still valid on all models labelled as 'near-perfect'. Register within 3 months of delivery to receive an additional 12 months warranty (3 years total).
There are strictly no returns on ‘near perfect’ models. By purchasing a near-perfect pram you understand that your product will have imperfections, and that our 9-month return policy is not valid for these prams.
For detailed information on the Luna Mini please visit the product pagehere