There's no doubt that double prams are a convenient way of transporting two kids at once, especially if they're close in age. If you're on this page, you might be considering a double pram purchase (it's a excellent choice!), but there are a few things you should know about double prams before you add to cart.
Here, you'll find our double pram guide to help you shop smart for your growing family:
What types of double prams are on the market?
There are many options for two-seater prams and strollers on the market. The first step to narrow down your search is selection which type of double pram will best suit your family.
Online you'll see double prams referred to as twin pram, double stroller, double buggy, twin stroller, 2 in 1 double, tandem double pram, side by side stroller. However, we will refer to these pram types as the following: or any combination of these, we will refer to these pram types as the following:
Side by Side Double Pram
Tandem (in-line) Double Prams
What's a side by side double pram?
What Double Pram Is Best? Side by Side vs Tandem Pram Comparison Guide

A side by side double is a double pram where the seat are positioned directly next to each other and are fixed to the pram's frame. The seats cannot be removed or replaced with a pram bassinet, and are generally forward facing only.
Our LUNA pram is Babybee's incredibly safe and stylish side by side double pram. The LUNA seats are designed to fit the average Australian 5-year-old, up to 20kg in weight and comply with all Australian Safety Standards. The seats independently fully recline to a flat surface (which is recommended for newborns until they are about 6 months in age or when they can sit up unaided) and can be used with a LUNA newborn cocoon. If your children are older, you can pop them straight into the LUNA seat and be assured they be comfortable and have enough room as they grow.
What's a tandem (in-line) double pram?
A tandem (in-line) double pram means the two seats or pram bassinets (or combo of both) are aligned one in front of the other. This option gives parents a lot of flexibility in how they configure the seats (or pram bassinets), for instance if they want to use one bassinet and one seat, two pram bassinets or two seats.
Our DUO2 tandem (in-line) double pram has over 30 configurations. The other reason families love our DUO2 is that it allows them to future proof as the pram can be used in both single and double mode. For instance, if you plan to have more than one child in the future close in age, you don't have to buy another pram. You can use the DUO2 when you have one child and when bub number 2 arrives can use it in double mode by adding an extra seat/pram bassinet.
Are Tandem or Side-by-Side Prams Better?
Whether you’d prefer side by side or tandem double pram is a matter of personal preference and what's the best choice for your family.
Do you need a tandem (in-line) double pram?
The two most common reasons why customers opt for a tandem (in-line) double pram over a single pram are to future-proof or because they've got two children close in age.
Some first-time parents choose to future-proof their pram if they plan to have more than one child close in age. An option like our DUO2, means you can use your pram as a single pram and a double pram when your family grows. How this works? When you only have one child that needs a pram, you keep the DUO2 in single pram mode. Then, when bub number arrives you can convert the DUO2 into a tandem in-line double pram so you can stroll with both children with ease.
But it's not just first-time parents who love our DUO2, it's also parents with more than one child in close age. These parents sometimes want to upsize from their single pram to a double pram when bub number two arrives. The benefit of our DUO2 tandem in-line double pram is that it can configured into over 30 positions using our stroller seat and bassinet. This gives parents the flexibility to use the pram in a way that works best for their growing family.
Some key differences between side by side and tandem (in-line) double prams?
Width vs Length
Side by side prams will almost always be wider than tandem or in-line prams. While many side by sides will fit though standard doorways (like the Babybee LUNA), they will be more difficult to navigate on crowded footpaths, shops and in tight spaces.
What you lose in width, you gain in length with a tandem double, which poses its own manoeuvrability issues as outlined in the next column.
People are often shocked to hear that side by side strollers are actually easier to manoeuvre than tandems. This is due to the length - the shorter the pram the easier it is to turn – and the positioning of weight over the back wheels (rather than further away from you in a tandem).
For the same reason, tandems are also harder (and heavier) to push up and over curbs.
Many side by side strollers have fixed, forward facing seats. Some are compatible with car capsules, and many will have a soft cocoon or removable bassinet option for newborns. Tandems tend to have a little more flexibility and are often able to convert from single to double and accommodate both bassinets and car capsules.
For example, our side by side LUNA has fixed, forward facing seats and a cocoon option for newborn. The DUO2 on the other hand, has over 30 configurations, with standalone bassinets, seats and the option to connect one or two car capsules.
Key things to consider before buying a double pram
When shopping for any pram (and especially a double pram), it's worth understanding key features of the pram model and how these will fit into your lifestyle and help make life a little easier. Here are some key things to consider before you decide which double pram is best for you:
The age of your children and how long you expect to use your double pram
Both tandem and side by side prams can have the ability to go from newborn to toddler. Side by sides will often have larger seats, enabling you to use them for much longer. If there is going to be a large age gap between your two bubs, you may find your elder child growing out of a tandem seat.
Does it need to convert from single to double?
Many tandems have this functionality, but most side by sides do not. If you want to be able to swap between single and double mode, you’re most likely looking at a tandem.
Do you want your double pram to be a jogger or just a stroller?
Side by side prams will be easier to manoeuvre while jogging, but make sure you opt for one with extra-large, air-filled tyres to make pushing as easy as possible.
What's included with your pram?
Does the pram include both bassinet/cocoon and stroller seat? Do you need to purchase a second seat separately? Do you need to purchase capsule adaptors
What other accessories are included?
Both tandem and side by side prams can have the ability to go from newborn to toddler. Side by sides will often have larger seats, enabling you to use them for much longer. If there is going to be a large age gap between your two bubs, you may find your elder child growing out of a tandem seat.
Does it need to convert from single to double?
Above you'll see our DUO2 rotate through a hanful of its many configurations. Many tandems have this functionality, but most side by sides do not. If you want to be able to swap between single and double mode, you’re most likely looking at a tandem.
How big is your boot?
Tandems are usually easier to take apart and “tetris” into your car, but we always recommend that you check the folded dimensions.
The weight you feel comfortable lifting
Side by sides do tend to be lighter overall, but tandems can often be taken apart before folding to make lifting into the car easier.
How much storage will you need to have?
How big is the basket and do you have access when using the pram with two children? Are there any additional storage areas like seat-back pockets or handlebar bags?
What seat features do you need?
Is it important that the seats are reversible, or that they recline to fully flat? How tall do you need the seats to be?
Do you want equal space for each child?
Often tandems will come with a smaller “rumble seat” as a second child option that may only last a few months until they grow out of it. Check if both seats are the same size.
Now, let's get ready to stroll
There’s certainly a lot to consider when buying your double pram. We suggest deciding which type of double pram you want first before looking at the features that will be work for you and your family.
We have both a side by side (our LUNA) and tandem (our DUO2) option at Babybee and we love them both equally. The perfect pram for you will just come down to your individual family’s needs and preferences.
Watch our comparison of LUNA and DUO2 video below